How to Create a Binance Account on Phone in 2022 | Verify Identity | Add Security | Buy Crypto - IndeedJobsUSA l Latest Jobs In Pakistan 2024

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Wednesday, February 8, 2023

How to Create a Binance Account on Phone in 2022 | Verify Identity | Add Security | Buy Crypto


Table Of Content

1- How to Create a Binance Account 2023

2- How to Verify Identity Binance account

3- How To Buy Crypto Binance

1- How to Create a Binance Account 2023

In this Post I'm going to show you how to create an account on Binance and verify all on your phone. And perhaps most importantly, I'll show you how to set up security so that no one can hack into your account. And later I'll briefly outline how to buy crypto but let's get into it. Bitcoin and crypto is at a great buy point right now so why not throw a few hundred or even more at the market and buy Bitcoin, Ethereum or buy crypto in general while it's extremely low. The easiest way to buy crypto is via a crypto exchange. A crypto exchange is like a wallet where you can easily buy, sell, swap and hold your crypto assets and Binance is by far the largest and most trusted crypto exchange in the world. Even if you're not quite ready to buy any crypto.

it's great to have this set up and ready to go at the very least even just to play with it after it's set up it's the best way on how to buy crypto so in this video i'll show you how to install binance app on your phone how to create a binance account on your phone how to verify your binance account on your phone and how to set up security on binance on your phone so your account is safe i'll also quickly outline how to buy crypto safely the process here is the same on iphone as it is for android so i'll just do it on iphone for now first head to the app store on iphone or google play on android type in binance and look for this logo feel free to tap into a preview and swipe across to see what it looks like there's a handful of pictures as well as detailed info in here.

once ready tap the install button and wait for the binance install while you're waiting for that to install the easiest way to create an account is to just tap the link in my description below to go directly to the binance account creation screen full disclosure here if you want to set up an account via this referral link it does reward me with the tiniest of keep backs but it also gives you a 10 discount on trading fees forever so that's a win-win but if you have a friend who has finance ask them for their referral link to help them out instead of me but if you just want to go ahead and create an account right now then i'll definitely encourage you to use my link thank you so you can see here you're invited to binance and you have access to that 10 trading fee discount go ahead and type in your email address and create a password and you can see my referral link below tick these two boxes and click create account you're then asked to put in a verification code.

2- How to Verify Identity Binance account

so you'll be sent an email with the code to the email address you just used so just input this and click submit it says your code here is successful and then bam your account is now created it shows your tick mark next to create account and prompts you to verify your identity which i'll show you how easy it is to do shortly and then you receive a prize you can choose to verify here but why not go into the app and get more familiar with that it's also more secure so just head over to the binance app on your phone once it's installed and click allow here if necessary and allow again here's a pop-up to tell you to be aware of scams and suggestions on how to steer clear of them in general so tap got it and move on so here is the binance app on the screen you can either sign up or log in.

you can log in with the credentials you've just set up before or you can just create an account in the sign up area if you didn't already do so and tap sign up with phone or email once again create a binance account with an email and password and a reminder if you want that 10 discount on trading fees paste in my referral code which is i 650 qr great thanks again it's a win-win for us so go ahead and do that now go over to your email and click the link to validate your credentials check these two boxes here and click create but as i've already created an account in the earlier step i'll go back and log in that way so you'll need to slide this verification puzzle across to complete logging in finally for security measures you'll need to put in your code.

as it's the first time you're logging in on this device as you can see that brings us up to the step we were at before in the google chrome window but it's more secure and easier to complete this process in the app let's move on to show you how to verify binance account on phone tap the verify now button it shows what you're going to need that is your country that's easy some personal information a copy of your government issued id or passport and facial recognition to match your id then it says it will take two days to complete the review so i'll choose australia here and then tap continue i'm going to use my australia's driver's license but you could also use passport for your country or a foreign passport i'll just go through and select my state and put in my license number.

which i won't show you then i'll check this box here and click continue it's asking me to make sure i have all these details on my license so i'll go ahead and fill those out or if you're using your passport i'll go back and use this start with your passport number again make sure that box is ticked and then click continue again you will then be asked to make sure that you put in the details as shown go ahead and put those details in and then tap continue you will then need to put in your address information so go ahead and put those in also once complete go ahead and tap continue the next step is to upload a copy of the document you just put the details in for so start by selecting again your country then select a document here in my case a passport and tap continue.

take note of the details they ask you to ensure that the photo of your document is not rejected tap continue and then upload your document by pressing these buttons you'll need to take a fresh photo of the document as opposed to uploading one that you already have from file so go ahead and take the photo of the information page and make sure all is eligible of course i've blurred out this photo for my privacy's sake but if your photo looks good move on otherwise you can retake the photo then it will ask you to move on to adding a selfie here are some details on how it wants you to take the selfie so have a read of that first before continuing just go ahead and take a selfie like this and it will load in and you can review it before tapping continue once.

3- How To Buy Crypto Binance

that's done it will go through a live face verification process it's a bit awkward how it asks me to open my mouth but hey it worked so i'll move on and it now says verification successful so i'll tap close and now you can see here that it says i'll receive an email once verification is complete this could take a couple of days now since i've already used my personal details to create a binance account i receive this message saying that i already have a verified account with my personal details and i can't have a second account for security purposes so to continue with this video i'll use my existing account to show you the rest and now when i go to login you can see that it's asking for face id that is the next level of security you should definitely set up i won't do a tour of the binance app in this video but real quick you can change between binance lite and binance pro version now light is just a lot more user friendly for beginners that haven't seen the app before and the pro version is a lot more in depth with heaps more options and i recommend you get used.

to the light version first so i'll move back over to the lite version now i'll show you where to set up some security for your account go up the top here and then come down to security you can see all of the levels of security here the first one i recommend you set up are the text message and email security measures for any time you want to do with durals or transfers this means that no one can hack into your account and transfer money out of your account without having access to both your phone and email so all you need to do is activate the text message option here so that you receive the code and same again for the email just toggle the switch on and for a third layer of security i recommend you activate the authenticator app option as well and if you don't know what that is do a google search as it's a really good level of security for any app you run so yeah just search google authenticator app on that one lastly head over to biometric and security key and set up your face id for logging into this app like you just saw me do with verification.

and all of those security measures set up you are now ready to safely deposit fiat currency and start buying crypto to deposit money from your bank account start by going to the wallet icon down the bottom then come up to the top and tap deposit choose your fiat currency and you can see that pay id or osco is the instant deposit option you can use tap continue input a nominal amount and then tap continue here are some notes to keep in mind so have a read of them and then tap ok and then this is the email address you can then use to deposit money into via pay id in your online banking from your bank account so consult your bank on how to pay to an email address now i recommend you start with a small amount first to see the process.

to give yourself confidence and peace of mind that it actually works as expected then to purchase crypto once you have that money in your account come down to the bottom here and select buy crypto with local currency perhaps you want to choose bitcoin select ok here because we are buying not selling select the currency you are buying in then tap ok then just type in the amount of dollars you want to spend and then tap buy here you are presented with the option to pay with card or your cash balance i recommend you pay with cash balance instead of card but as i have no fresh australian dollars in this account at the moment i won't be able to select cash balance here but if i did i can hit confirm then the payment would go through and i would instantly become the proud owner of a fraction of bitcoin you now have your binance account ready to go with the peace of mind that you are verified and your account is safe just start with a small amount and build from there check out this playlist for more crypto videos and i'll see you in the next one 

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